

What are

the ghost kitchens?

Also called Dark Kitchens, they are spaces created to prepare food and take it home, through delivery services or applications.

Restaurants with a low investment can increase their sales.

Reach new customers or neighborhoods where the restaurant does not have coverage.

Respond with speed and quality to market demands.

In Colombia there are approximately

450 Ghost kitchens

According to some sectors, the cost of assembling a kitchen can reduce costs by up to 60% and generate a return of 80%.

Forbes.co. (2021) Qué son las cocinas ocultas, el arma secreta de los domicilios. Recuperado el 20 de abril de 2022 del link: https://forbes.co/2021/01/04/negocios/que-son-las-cocinas-ocultas-el-arma-secreta-de-los-domicilios/
Revista Diners. Cocinas ocultas, donde están las mejores de Bogotá y Medellín. Recuperado el 20 de abril de 2022 del link: https://revistadiners.com.co/gastronomia/93351_cocinas-ocultas-donde-estan-las-mejores-de-bogota-medellin-colombia/
Pymas.com. Ideas para creer. Recuperado el 20 de abril de 2022 del link: https://www.pymas.com.co/ideas-para-crecer/agentes-de-cambio/cocinas-ocultas-restaurantes

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