Participation and planning > News


  • Alimentec, a resounding success that marks the future of the food industry through innovation and business

    Noticias de interzum bogota

    The fair facilitated countless business opportunities, as more than 852 business meetings were held, generating commercial agre...

  • Alimentec 2024 starts! This year is special as it celebrates 25 years of continuous innovation in the food and bever

    Noticias de interzum bogota

    Alimentec, organized by Corferias and Koelnmesse, is promoted by Anuga, the world's leading food fair held in Cologne, Germa...

  • Alimentec 2024, is developed with the participation of more than 200 international companies representing 21 countries

    Noticias de interzum bogota

    Alimentec provides a platform to establish business contacts and explore collaboration opportunities between local and internat...

  • The “Cooking Show”, one of the most anticipated and dynamic events of Alimentec 2024

    Noticias de interzum bogota

    This space is dedicated to the live demonstration of culinary skills by renowned chefs, offering attendees an interactive and e...

  • Unmissable activities: exploring flavors and knowledge at Alimentec 2024

    Noticias de interzum bogota

    The fair, which is in its 25th year, will be the setting for more than 50 activities, including conferences, talks, culinary d...

  • The world bread champion will be at the 12th edition of the Alimentec fair

    Noticias de interzum bogota

    The best baker in the world will be in Corferias, participating in Alimentec 2024, this is the Spanish José Roldan Triviño

  • The role of Colombian companies in Alimentec, promoting the value chain of the food and beverage industry

    Noticias de interzum bogota

    For national companies, participation in the fair facilitates contact with buyers, distributors and strategic partners from o...

  • Alimentec 2024, promotes the growth of the food, beverage and HORECA sector in Colombia

    Noticias de interzum bogota

    The Alimentec fair has a positive economic impact in Colombia by stimulating trade, encouraging investment and innovation.

  • Koelnmesse and Corferias organize Alimentec, which celebrates 25 years of innovation in the Food and Beverage industr

    Noticias de interzum bogota

    The trade show will be held in Bogotá, a city that concentrates 45% of the industry's total sales in the country and is home...

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